
Association and Policy

BBK is an association with members, which has a members' meeting and a board elected by the members. The members' meeting is the highest body and decides on the course of the BBK. As a member you have the right to vote during the members meeting and you can nominate yourself for the board. The board ensures the implementation of the policy adopted by the members' meeting.



We stand for

Artists are essential to society. Yet artists are still underpaid and undervalued. That has to change!

We continue this

We do this by offering various services for the professional practice and by making ourselves heard in politics.

Wat kun je zelf als je benadeeld wordt?:

  • Medestanders verzamelen en een lobbygroep starten
  • Het melden bij de BBK
  • Specifieke vragen formuleren; de BBK kan altijd meedenken

Bestuurs- en beleidsvergaderingen

2025 Activity
18 March
Bestuursvergadering BBK
20 March
Kunsten '92: verbetering van het cultuurbestel
24 March
De Creatieve Coalitie: Consultatiesessie Schijnzelfstandigheid
14 April
Bureauvergadering BBK

Board members and others who participate in the meetings

The BBK is supported by:



Heesterveld 58
1102 SB Amsterdam Zuidoost

T. +31 (0)20 – 623 54 56
E. bbk[at]bbknet.nl

Volg ons op



De BBK verwerkt persoonsgegevens, lees ons privacybeleid (pdf) voor meer informatie.

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