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Wat laat je na?

Nalatenschappen | 14:00 - 16:00 | Muziekcafé Metropool Hengelo Industrieplein 10, 7553 LL Hengelo


Collective Efforts

BBK is connected with various organizations and collaborates with fellow associations to enhance the professional practice of visual artists.


Tax Return for Artists

Filing income tax returns can be complicated for entrepreneurial artists. Many tax consultants and accountants are expensive and have little knowledge about the practice of visual artists. With us, the tax consultants are affordable and familiar with your work.

Our service is simple. Schedule an appointment, bring your documents and we will complete your declaration on the spot. If you prefer to send your documents, or if you want a telephone appointment, that is also possible. We are open to your personal preference.


Education with BBK

Learning is a lifelong journey, also for visual artists. That's why BBK offers courses, webinars, and personal support to help you with practical topics and keep your skills sharp.


Professional Consultancy

If you need help with a subsidy application, negotiation or other business matters, you can contact BBK for expert advice.

  Telephone consultation

Telephone consultation hours:

Mon to Thu 10am - 12 noon +31(0)20 - 623 5456

Email: bbk[at]bbknet.nl


Register as a new member

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Heesterveld 58
1102 SB Amsterdam Zuidoost

T. +31 (0)20 – 623 54 56
E. bbk[at]bbknet.nl

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